Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Beginning.....

As a senior project, I have chosen to create eight masks using different techniques and materials that are commonly used in the theatrical and movie worlds:

~ Direct Plaster Gauze
~ Direct Clay
~ Clay Buildup
~ Liquid Latex Negative Mold
~ Liquid Latex Closed Mold
~ Celastic
~ Buckram/Fabric Laminated
~ Full Head Life Casting

For some I have picture references that I would either like to recreate or draw inspiration from. Others I have designed or sketched myself. 

This blog will be document my progress, including pictures and possibly video.

This is the first mask I ever made, a glass masquerade half-mask. It was designed to match the fabric of a 1700s robe a la francaise I made for a class. Since this first mask, I have had an overwhelming urge to make more. So here goes a two month journey... 

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." ~ Oscar Wilde

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